Grizzly Beard Oil - 100% All-Natural Beard Oil
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About Grizzly Beard Oil

Our Story:

The grizzly adventure began with four close friends from Colorado. As they grew up together, so did their intense rivalry with each other.   Boisterous fun was soon overtaken by sheer determination to out-man each other.

Even after undeniably reaching manhood, the embers of male rivalry were still burning between these working men. For inspiration, they looked back to their ancestors, mighty leaders, and even badass biker gangs. Recognizing the strength of facial hair dominance, man-mane would be the final measure of manliness.

This arduous journey to full-bearded glory tested their strength of will to the limit. But like the unbreakable Spartans they were, none of them would let this challenge defeat them.

The magnitude of this task was realized, as their facial hair grew patchy, uneven and utterly weak. They all fell victim to the dreaded beard itch, from mild discomfort to downright unbearable!

Allies were scarce and assaults were fought off on all fronts. Family and friends branded their grizzly facial hair as scruffy and unruly. Worse yet, the ladies were turned off by their rough bristles and lingering odors. Dramatic action needed to be taken if they were to reach the ultimate beard glory.

The friends experimented with various oils and waxes in a wild attempt to tame their man-mane. However, these attempts were futile, sub-optimal results were achieved at great costs. Their struggle continued until one fateful night when they were gifted inspiration; some say from the mighty bearded Norse gods themselves.

Up in the mountains on a weekend excursion, the four friends scratched their feral beards around a campfire. They pondered on how the notorious captain Black Beard was able to cultivate a beard of such magnitude. Inspired by the rawness of their natural surroundings, they knew there must be a natural solution to their bearded struggle.

The friends began researching and cooking up homemade natural formulas. Their requirements were simple: healthy facial hair growth, taming ability and a strong masculine aroma. After tireless trial and error, and some devilishly greasy beards, miraculous results were achieved with one particular formula of essential oils.

By now, their rivalry had long given way. The journey had strengthened their bond and desire to succeed together. Once this formula was shared with the rest of the gang, it was clear they had discovered beard-building rocket fuel! In a glorious bearded reunion, and fuelled by whisky, the four friends finally recognized their true duty to mankind.

As their beard oil formula was brought to suffers of weak beard around the world, their legacy was born. “Grizzly Beard Oils” pays tribute to their fateful trip into the mountains, their struggles, sacrifices and fortitude that keep them close together.


Our handpicked selection of natural essential oils revitalizes beards, keeping them clean, healthy and absolutely rocking:

- Sweet Almond Oil

- Jojoba Oil

- Coconut Oil

- Argon Oil

- Apricot Oil

- Hemp Oil

- Sunflower Oil

- Tea Tree Oil

- Rose Hip Oil

- Castor Oil

- (Secret) essential oils added for characterized fragrance